Il prodotto della settimana

giovedì 5 gennaio 2012

Toyota leads industry with lowest fleet-wide CO2 average in Europe

Toyota Motor Europe (TME) was confirmed as the automotive industry leader with lowest CO2 emissions in the recently published 2010 final report by the European Commission and European Environmental Agency. The fleet-wide CO2 average for TME was 112.2 g/km (comprising of both Toyota and Lexus vehicles), well below the industry average of 140 g/km and some 16 g/km ahead of the Commission’s 128.35 g/km target for TME.

The recent results form an integral part of the Commission’s aims for lowering CO2 emissions. As a first-of-its-kind report, the 2010 and 2011 results will be used as indicators for the automotive industry to determine the distance to reach each manufacturer’s 2012 target. Under current regulations, the 2010 report looks at the 65% lowest emitting vehicles for each manufacturer.
The target for TME of 128.35 g/km was set based on the 564,633 new Toyota and Lexus car registrations over the course of 2010 in European Union Member States. Using fleet emissions calculation methods for 2015, taking into account 100% of the fleet, TME’s fleet-wide average CO2 emissions in 2010 was 129 g/km, just 0.7 g/km above the company’s target, and already below the Commission’s 2015 industry target of 130 g/km accounting for 100% of the fleet.
The recent result not only confirms Toyota’s environmental leadership, but also validates the company’s long-term global strategy towards clean and sustainable mobility through the introduction and mass marketing vehicles with full hybrid technology. First launched in 1997 in Japan (and in 2000 in Europe), the Toyota Prius was the world’s first mass-produced full hybrid vehicle, quickly becoming a perennial favourite. This year, the Prius will be joined by two new members in the Prius Family – the seven-seater Prius+ and Prius Plug-in Hybrid.
Cumulative sales of Toyota and Lexus full hybrid vehicles passed the 3.5 million mark worldwide in 2011, which stands to grow as Toyota continues to expand its full hybrid roll-out. In Europe, over 10% of Toyota and Lexus vehicles sold in 2011 were hybrid vehicles. For the first time, Toyota will introduce its full hybrid technology to the compact B-segment with the all-new Yaris Hybrid in 2012. Debuted at the 2011 Frankfurt Motor Show, the Lexus GS 450h will also be available in 2012.
Toyota believes hybrid technology is one of the most effective and practical ways to lower emissions and increase fuel efficiency with significant short- to mid-term results. The company is continuously improving its proven hybrid technology by lowering the weight of battery packs and improving the efficiency of its Hybrid Synergy Drive. Toyota is also developing other technologies to advance green mobility in the future, with solutions ranging from bio-fuels to electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The recent Tokyo Motor Show saw the release of two new concepts – the ultra-compact and light-weight electric FT-EV III, suitable for short city trips, and a fuel cell sedan, the FCV-R, a working platform for a model introduction in 2015.

Table 1 – Average CO2 on 65% of fleet (2010 requirement) (1)

Manufacturer Name Average CO2 (65%) corrected Number of registrations Specific emission target
Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA 112.241 564,633 128.349
FIAT Group Automobiles S.p.A.  115.285 975,822 119.24
Automobiles Citroën 118.764 815,936 127.361
Automobiles Peugeot 119.208 974,248 127.704
Renault 120.7 1,125,141 127.045
Hyundai Motor Europe GmBH 120.858 325,603 126.725
Ford-Werke GmbH 121.128 1,076,887 126.226
Volkswagen AG 125.987 1,469,419 130.715
Adam Opel AG 126.92 935,499 130.483
SKODA auto a.s. 127.869 420,718 127.225
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 129.253 640,021 137.409
Nissan International SA 132.131 389,818 128.875
Audi AG 133.883 589,855 140.365
Daimler AG, Stuttgart 137.762 646,067 137.323
Table 2 – Average CO2 on 100% of fleet (2015 requirement) (1)

Manufacturer Name Average CO2 (100%) Number of registrations Specific emission target
FIAT Group Automobiles S.p.A.  125.013 975,822 119.24
Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA 129.056 564,633 128.349
Automobiles Peugeot 131.021 974,248 127.704
Automobiles Citroën 131.418 815,936 127.361
Renault 133.824 1,125,141 127.045
Hyundai Motor Europe GmBH 134.244 325,603 126.725
Ford-Werke GmbH 136.552 1,076,887 126.226
SKODA auto a.s. 139.193 420,718 127.225
Adam Opel AG 139.529 935,499 130.483
Volkswagen AG 140.352 1,469,419 130.715
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 146.355 640,021 137.409
Nissan International SA 147.197 389,818 128.875
Audi AG 151.832 589,855 140.365
Daimler AG, Stuttgart 160.166 646,067 137.323

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